Mason offers meetings to detail ball park plan

Dear Editor: I am writing in response to last week’s article, “Mason to fight for minor league ballpark: Proposes uptown development including hotels, businesses.” First and foremost, I would like to remind Hoboken residents that this plan is open to your input. For this reason, I have held several community meetings and will continue to …

Zoning appointments are council’s responsibility

Dear Editor: At our July 1 meeting, the City Council passed an Ordinance on first reading restoring the City Council’s authority to make appointments to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Some have inaccurately tried to characterize this as a “power grab.” We view it simply as setting things right. Throughout Hoboken history this authority resided …

Parking meters

Dear Editor: Hoboken’s politicians recently voted (almost unanimously if I am not mistaken) to install parking meters along Sinatra Drive. Their reasoning was based on the fact that the meters were sitting in a basement, not making any revenue. This was a mistake for many reasons, many of which were brought up by the same …

Police and fire personnel did a great job July 4

Dear Editor: I write to thank and congratulate the members of the Hoboken Police Department and the many law enforcement and city personnel for a spectacular job in managing the July 4th festivities in Hoboken last weekend. By all accounts, Hoboken’s Finest made this a safe and enjoyable celebration of our nation’s independence. In particular, …

A job well done

Dear Editor: I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Hoboken Police Department, Fire Department, Emergency Medical Service, Office of Emergency Management, and all our other Public Safety officials for a job well done on July 4. Also, a special thanks to the Hoboken University Medical Center who made sure their staff was …