Hold the presses!

At a time when a greater number of people get their news via the internet, posting public notices to a website instead of in print media makes sense and could save government entities money. At least, that’s the idea behind a bill pushed for a vote last week that would do away with the age-old …

Getting even with the media

There is an old adage, sometimes attributed to Mark Twain, warning politicians who go after the press for writing unflattering stories: “Never argue with someone who buys their ink by the barrel.” But apparently New Jersey officials may codify an age-old way to get even: attacking a publication’s pocketbook. The state legislature has recently resurrected …

In Tune with June!

Tony Bennett, I agree with you. Last month I visited my kids, Dorrie and Jim, in San Francisco. And, yes, I left my heart there. That’s the vocalist’s signature song. He’s been singing “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” since it was released in 1962. Wow! Actually I have a special feeling for Anthony …

A whole new world

Although the national election for president was between Democrat Hillary Clinton and now-President-Elect Donald Trump, the biggest winners and losers locally may be Gov. Christopher Christie and U. S. Sen. Robert Menendez. Christie, who leaped onto the Trump campaign after failing his own bid for president earlier this year, is now in line for a …