Washington Street redesign bike lanes are a bad idea

Dear Editor: I have lived in Hoboken and have walked along and across Washington Street (WS) for over 37 years. I have grown to appreciate WS’s wide traffic lanes which give drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians the maneuverability to adjust to transient conditions, such as vehicles temporarily double parked for visits or deliveries to doctors, restaurants, …

We are all in this together

Dear Editor: The “Complete Streets” Redesign plan for Washington Street is a divisive issue. It involves business owners, pedestrians, bike riders, bus riders, car owners, and vehicular commercial visitors. This plan should make sure that the functionality and flexibility of Washington Street is kept intact while correcting the safety issues (such as upgrading lighting and …

Is a complete “redesign” necessary?

Dear Editor: The project called Washington Street Redesign is a very expensive (current estimate $15 million) and complex proposal that leaves much to be desired. There are priorities to be set in completing a major repair of Washington Street. Is a complete “redesign” necessary? Street lighting, traffic signals and pedestrian crosswalk signals all must be …