Bayonne PAL League of Our Own Basketball Regular Season Schedule

Teams: Mayor Jimmy Davis (Duke), Freehold Kenny Kopacz (West Virginia), Assemblyman Nicholas Chiaravalloti (North Carolina), Bayonne Municipal Council (Notre Dame), Mighty Little Titans (Wake Forest), Little Images 4D Comm. (Louisville) Sunday, December 61 p.m.: Mayor Jimmy Davis vs. Nicholas Chiaravalloti2 p.m.: Freeholder K. Kopacz vs. Mighty Little Titans3 p.m.: Little Images 4D Comm. vs. Bay …

Bayonne PAL Junior Boys Basketball Regular Season Schedule

Teams: Dr. Smith & Choudrhy, Hudacko’s Pharmacy, P. Derocco’s (Old Mark’s Roofing), MGM Dry wall, Second Mesa, Shop Rite, R. Kellner All State Insurance (Old Mackenzie’s), Broadway Bus (Supreme Tours). Saturday, December 1210 a.m.: Second Mesa vs. Shop Rite11 a.m.: MGM Drywall vs. P. Derocco’s LLC12 a.m.: Dr. Smith vs. Hudacko’s1 p.m.: Broadway Bus vs. …

Bayonne PAL Junior Girls Basketball Regular Season Schedule

Teams: BYPA, FMBA, Perrucci CCB, Freeholder Ken Kopacz (Old Mackenzie Post) Monday, December 14 6:15 p.m.: BYPA vs. FMBA Thursday, December 17 6:15 p.m.: Perrucci’s vs. K. Kopacz Saturday, December 1912 p.m.: BYPA vs. K. Kopacz1 p.m.: FMBA vs. Perrucci’s Monday, December 216:15 p.m.: FMBA vs. K. Kopacz Tuesday, December 226:15 p.m.: BYPA vs. Perrucci’s …

Intermediate Boys Basketball Results for December 2 and 3

Unico Club defeated Big Apple, 27-26. Aidan Paradine hits game winning lay-up with 4.0 seconds left in the game to win the game for Unico Club. Paradine scored 8 points for Unico, with Vance Lawra scoring 6, Jarion Stinson scoring 4, Andrew Johnston scoring 4, Tejon Taylor scoring 4 and Liam Doherty scoring 1. For …