TASTY TIDBITSFriars back to battle on gridiron
Character No. 11; Casillas lock to start; SDA needs new swim coach

Matt Gallo knew full well that he wasn’t going to turn the St. Anthony football program around in the matter of minutes; that it would take a little time to nurture the Friars into an autumn winner like Ed Stinson had when the former Hoboken legend was the coach a few years ago. So the …

Character No. 11; Casillas lock to start; SDA needs new swim coach


INTERFERENCE QUESTION: In high school, baseball and softball, runner on first base, one out; batter grounds to second base person as runner collides with defender. Is this interference or obstruction? Does the fielder or runner have the right of way in this batted ball play? ANSWER: When a fielder is in the act of fielding …


2016 CHANGES QUESTION: In high school girlsโ€™ and boysโ€™ volleyball, it was the responsibility of Referee (R1) to go to each bench to announce to the coaches and captains the start of the pre-match conference coin toss. Is this procedure still in effect? ANSWER: No, a new procedure is as follows; Referee (R1) will signal …


The Bayonne Wise Guys captured the NJPlay Sports 2016 Summer Basketball Championship. Front row left to right: Tom Ronan, Frankie Ajosa and Anthony Amadeo (Playoff MVP). Back row: Joe Maza, Matt McMonagle and Dan Liming. On behalf of the team, NJPlay Sports donated $100 to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.


Evan Siminsky (left) and Steven Kass (right), of the Division of Recreation Ultimate Sports Camp, designed the t-shirt logos for the camp. Evan designed the front logo and Steven designed the back logo on the shirt.

TASTY TIDBITSDickinson tackles tough schedule
Character No. 12; weird local attention; Casillas looking strong for Giants

Sean Fallon knows that this is a special year for the Dickinson High School football. It’s the fourth year since the program was brought back from extinction under his watch, so all of the current players are Fallon’s players and not holdovers from another regime. “When I got here, the program was in pretty rough …

Character No. 12; weird local attention; Casillas looking strong for Giants

New coach Guasconi offers a different song for Bruins

It was a late summer afternoon and there were different sounds coming out of Bruins Stadium and Vincent Ascolese Field inside North Hudson Braddock Park. As one approached the field, the music got a little louder and it was so recognizable. Blaring on the public address system was Marvin Gaye and Tammy Terrell doing their …