EDITOR’S NOTE: Three Hudson County high school football teams have reached their respective NJSIAA state championship games this weekend. This is a look at each of the three participants as they prepared to bring home a slice of state glory. Only once in Hudson County history (1994, Hoboken, Marist and St. Peter’s Prep) three local …

Hudson Catholic shoots for first-ever state grid title

Lou Zampella is Hudson Catholic through and through, straight to the bone. Zampella was a totally undersized defensive back for the Hawks back in the early 1990s, back when the program wasn’t exactly a world beater. He returned as a dutiful assistant coach for then-head coach Rob Stern, probably one of the hardest working assistant …


St. Mary’s Pee Wee Basketball held their annual Awards Night on November 21. This was the 25th Season of Pee Wee Basketball. The Boys champions were the Blue Devils and Girls champions were the Hoyas. The winners of our Special Awards are as follows: The Michael Romano Memorial Award is awarded to a 4th grade …


The St. Dominic Academy Cross Country team concluded their season at the New Jersey Meet of Champions, where heavily recruited Camille Bertholon completed an All Parochial season. The team (from left) includes Coach John E. Nagel, Megan Van Alstyne, Destiny Foster, Jianna Bustamante, Bertholon, Brenna Nadrowski, Aliya Perry, Marlene Da Cruz, Celeste Aurora, Olivia Smith …