Excellent job

Dear Editor: I am writing to say Thank You to the hard working members of the Secaucus DPW for the excellent job you did during and after the major snowstorm on Weds. Feb.10th. This storm lasted for appr. 20 hours and dumped a significant amount of snow but our DPW was up to the task …

Troyer’s award

Dear Editor: Last week I submitted a letter to the Secaucus Reporter, only four paragraphs long. The gist of the letter simply explained my calling attention to several letters and articles that have appeared in the papers blasting several Board of Education members (past and present), our Superintendent of Schools, and Board Secretary/Business Administrator. In …

Flanagan Productions collecting hygiene products for Haiti relief

Dear Editor: As the rescue efforts in Haiti continue, hygiene will inevitably become a serious issue. Flanagan Productions has begun a soap and Purell drive to send to those in need. We have selected soap and hygiene products because by the time the items reach the island, the initial rescue efforts will have subsided and …

S.A.I.L. program is an important step forward

Dear Editor: I would like to commend the Secaucus School District’s Board of Education and School Administration for their recently launched S.A.I.L. (Service Activities Involvement and Leadership) Program. This service learning initiative is a step in the right direction that will prepare today’s students to be community service-oriented, and to be more aware of their …