Trump’s world and welcome to it

Dear Al, The “attacks” your piece referenced were not “random”. They were well-planned, ideological and lethal. More are clearly in store. If the attacks reflect that “The fabric of American culture is changing” and “giving way to new and different religious beliefs”, the possibility that these changes might not necessarily be for the better deserves …


Dear Editor: As part of World Stroke Day, the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association is asking New Jersey to sing a tune that could save lives. The F.A.S.T. Song helps people learn the most common warning signs of stroke and what to do if one occurs: If someone has a stroke near you, the F.A.S.T. …

Financial advisers need to look out for their clients’ interests, not their own

Dear Editor: As difficult as it is in NJ to save for your retirement; the least you deserve is a financial advisor who not only works hard to protect and grow your assets but also puts your interest ahead of theirs. Unfortunately, legal loopholes allow some financial advisers to further their own financial interest instead. …