Mr. Trump, “You’re tired!”

Dear Editor:
I am writing to express my anger and disappointment with Mr. Trump and his statements regarding Muslim Americans and quite frankly Muslims in general “dancing by the thousands in Jersey City” as the Twin Towers came crashing down. I was there you see in Jersey City Mayor Glenn D. Cunningham’s office that tragic day of September 11th, as well as the 12th, 13th and in New York City on the Friday the 14th. I can tell you first hand that from the minute the truth was known about the cause and circumstances surrounding the WTC, Pentagon and those heroes and heroines on that flight that crashed in Pennsylvania, Mayor Cunningham was out on the streets of Jersey City and stayed there for three days telling us to handle his office while gone. Everyone wanted to do something, but not everybody could; at least not the same way their mayor could. Glenn was concerned about Jersey City and its thousands of residents, including its thousands of Muslims. He immediately dashed out and stayed there trying to make sure that the City didn’t erupt into a hot bed of Anti-Muslim sentiment which was the greater likelihood at the time! And you know what? It never did!
The people of Jersey City held their composure while helping and healing those physically and emotionally hurt that day! Where were you again Mr. Trump? True there were slight rumors as you might expect under such circumstances, but they were not about Jersey City and they were never proven true. Mayors Cunningham, Healy and now Mayor Fulop have all celebrated the rich diversity of Jersey City and what it all has to offer, and on September 11th, 2001 that diversity showed itself at its best. Everyone that day I can tell you was quite simply, American. From what I was told, there were Muslim American leaders from Jersey City that were called to DC to assist our state department in trying to alleviate and fortify relationships with Muslim countries. It was an attack by the same kind of cowards who hide behind Islam to carry out their deeds of injustice to humanity, illegal no matter what country you are from. To further emphasize the point that Former Attorney General John Farmer and Mayor Fulop reflected in their responses to Mr. Trump of “thousands dancing in Jersey City on September 11th,”
I was in New York City when President Bush arrived on Friday, September 14th. I accompanied Mayor Cunningham across the Hudson on a state police boat that dreary day. He walked and talked with Governors DiFrancesco and Pataki, Mayor Giuliani, and the senators of both states, including the Senator Clinton. Nowhere and at no time was it mentioned that thousands of Muslims were dancing in Jersey City because of the tragic events of September 11th. I guess Mr. Trump, they were all wrong! Don’t you think that thousands dancing anyplace in the United States to the beat of those events would have caused “huge” riots and retaliation? In Jersey City there was none! When it comes to the facts, the truth and the events of that day and week, it’s pretty simple Donald! You’re fired!!

Carl Czaplicki
Former Chief Aide to Mayor/Senator Glenn D. Cunningham, Former Chief of Staff to Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy Currently, Proud Lifelong Resident of Jersey City, NJ

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