To Sullivan: Stay between Hoboken’s lines

Dear Editor: I have long appreciated Al Sullivan’s work detailing local news and political happenings. Unfortunately, Mr. Sullivan’s columns tend to lose their trademark perspicacity when he departs his natural depth of one-party Hudson County to address statewide matters. Mr. Sullivan is quite clearly a fierce partisan. It is very likely that his partisanship matches …

To senators: Pass the Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Accountability Act

Dear Editor: The devastating Deepwater Horizon oil disaster has killed thousands of birds, hundreds of endangered and threatened sea turtles, and dozens of marine mammals. It has impacted hundreds of miles of coastline and severely damaged the tourism- and fisheries-based economy of the region. The full extent of the environmental and economic impacts may not …

Upcoming flea market proceeds to help mentally ill live independent lives

Dear Editor: What to do about the disenfranchised of Hudson County? The mentally ill men and women who are in need of out-patient resources, such as day-programs, to keep them healthy and connected to health care professionals? An assisted out-patient treatment law (AOT) designed to establish a procedure for obtaining court orders for certain individuals …

Secaucus extends thanks to participants in first ‘Health Fair’

Dear Editor: On behalf of Mayor Gonnelli and the Town Council, I would like to thank everyone who participated in our first annual “Health Fair” and helped to make it a rousing success: Advanced Dental Center, Amazon Café, AmeriChoice HMO, Dr. Baker, Meena Bhavsar, Chipolte Mexican Grill, Comfort Keepers, Cosi Restaurant, April Daly, The Fountains, …