A vulnerable nation

Dear Editor: This past storm called “Sandy” has proven one thing we are a vulnerable Nation. We thought here especially on the Northeast coast were so invincible to anything Mother Nature can throw at us, as we did in the past, yet we experienced a very rude humbling awakening with this storm. We were warned …

Thank you all for making the night a success!

Dear Editor: On behalf of myself and the Town Council, I would like to thank everyone for coming out to “Secaucus Restaurant Night.” Without the following restaurants participation, this night would not have been possible: Aji Sushi, Bonefish Grill, Carrabbas, Cheese Burger in Paradise, China Chef, Cosi, Filomena’s, Giovanni’s, Houlihans, La Reggia, Mausam, Molly McEvoy’s, …

Autism and bullying

Dear Editor: As students across New Jersey head back to school, a new study published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine reveals disturbing news: 46 percent of students with autism spectrum disorders are bullied. To parents and educators of these vulnerable – and delightful – young people, the findings are not a surprise. …

God-given rights

Dear Editor: I believe it is not only necessary, but crucial to the preservation of our democracy for churches of all faiths to speak out and condemn the evil attempts of the “suppress the vote” movement that began over two years ago in many states. I believe Christ shares this same sense of outrage as …

Voting for Obama

Dear Editor: In 2008 I voted for John McCain. This year I enthusiastically will vote and urge everyone else to vote for Barack Obama for re election for president. Why? In 2008 even though I am a lifelong liberal Democrat I perceived Barack Obama as being too dovish. Since being president he has proved to …

Who is going to care?

Dear Editor: The frailest elderly people in New Jersey, more than 25,000 statewide, depend on the help of the personal care assistant (PCA) Program. Thanks to the work of the caring well-trained Certified Home Health Aides, many poor seniors are able to continue living at home. With minimal incomes, and serious health problems, without this …

Benefits for part time officials should end

Dear Editor: The New Jersey state office of the state comptroller (OSC) recently completed a year-long investigation into the practice of part time employees illegally accruing time toward state pensions. The OSC reviewed 58 municipalities and school districts and found an overwhelming majority of these governments failed to comply with the 2007 state law that …