Hoboken soldier

Hoboken soldier Dear Editor: I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season. I received a letter in the mail from one of our Hoboken soldiers and I wanted to share it with all of you. Dear Mrs. Peluso, I wanted to take this chance to thank you for all the great show of support …

No Changes to Parks Without Public Hearings and Consensus

Dear Editor, In response to the letter from Laura Burkhart regarding the Hoboken Family Alliance (HFA) / Project Play (PP) initiative to make changes to 3 existing play areas in Church Square Park (CSP), we want to remind Hoboken’s citizens of the consequences of private groups working behind the scenes with City officials to make …

Response to Glasel

Dear Editor: I am flattered. Mr. Glasel offered a letter regarding what Hobokenites have done to lower taxes and how state legislation is largely accountable for why NJ has the highest property taxes in the nation. Mr. Glasel is a former union rep. He called the Administration and an organization “Tea Baggers” that don’t understand …

A city without a bookstore selling new books is like a body without a soul

Dear Editor: My family is both disheartened and stunned about the upcoming Barnes and Noble closing. I know Barnes and Noble isn’t going to change their minds, but I would like to make them aware of what they are doing or at least spark interest in someone who might want to open an indie store …

Inaction on reassessment

Dear Editor: Recently, residents of Marineview Plaza were successful in ending a sub-metering program instituted by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities. It was a collective effort led by Hoboken City Councilwoman Theresa Castellano. Although not surprised, I found it very interesting that Councilwoman Castellano, as well as representatives from Hudson County, spent two …