Family Fun Night a success

To the Editor:

On October 15, All Saints Catholic Academy Home School Association organized a Family Fun Night. The evening began with Mass at Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich at St. Mary’s, followed by fun, food, and games in the gym at All Saints.
We had a total of 300 people attend, which included 70 families from All Saints, faculty members from All Saints, Fr. Peter Wehrle, Fr. Philip Sanders, and Sr. Rita Fritzen, Principal of All Saints.
I would like to thank my HSA Board, MJ Loiacono, Lisette McCrossen, and Rose Kellner, for all their hard work. Many thanks to all the parents and family members who helped with serving food, selling chances, cleaning up, and removing chairs for musical chairs. A big Thank you goes out to Pompei Pizza for providing a delicious dinner for all. Thanks to Matt Klimansky for providing great music and making the night fun for all the parents and children.
We appreciate the great participation in this event and look forward to providing more fun-filled events for our students and parents.

President, ASCA – HSA

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