School board candidates forum is Thursday 6:30 p.m. at the Elks Lodge

HOBOKEN – The Hoboken Quality of Life Coalition invites all Hoboken residents to its 2016 Board of Education candidates’ forum on Thursday, Oct. 20, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Elks Lodge, 1005 Washington St.
Continuing a tradition the coalition has maintained for over a decade, the forums will give Hoboken voters an opportunity to hear directly from the candidates running for the three open seats on the Board of Education in the Nov. 8 election.
The will be moderated by Bob Bowdon, a professional interviewer and longtime resident of Hoboken, who has conducted QLC-sponsored forums over the last eight years. These events have consistently presented a lively exchange of policy ideas, opinions and comments on issues that the voters themselves consider the most important.
Written questions will be solicited from the audience and submitted to a panel, who will select the clearest and most concise questions on a wide range of topics. Candidates will have a minute and a half to respond to each question, and a one-minute rebuttal will be allowed with permission from the moderator. Each candidate will have an opportunity to make one-minute opening introductory and closing remarks, and a timekeeper will ensure that time limits are respected in answering questions.

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