Hudson County Teenage Republicans endorse Daniel Beckelman

Dear Editor:
The Hudson County Teenage Republicans is proud to once again endorse another candidate in the upcoming fall election. We have chosen to endorse Daniel Beckelman for Assembly for the 31st Legislative District. Beckleman is fed up with what is going on in the district and is really to change it for the better. He has clear goals for the 31st District. One of his goals is to expand school choice for all children in the district which we feel is very important to a child’s success. Since there is many schools failing, it will be an advocate for change. He also plans on lowering the sales tax from 7 percent to 6 percent. He wants to spur economic growth in the district which will result in more jobs and less taxes. We feel Daniel Beckleman and Michael Alonso will be great assets for the 31st District. It is so important to change the status quo, by electing two Republicans will make the district become a better place to live, educate and inspire. So far, we have endorsed Michael Alonso for 31st Legislative District and Stephen De Luca for Hudson County Executive.

Demetrius Terry
Chairman of Hudson County Teenage Republicans

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