HOBOKEN — While one winter storm will end outside City Hall tonight, a different one will most likely brew inside the City Council chambers on Wednesday, Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. when the council convenes for their first February meeting. They’ll discuss proposed rent control changes and a proposed repeal of an affordable housing clause in the municipal code.
The rent control subcommittee convened for a public hearing last week on the proposed changes, and Council President Beth Mason said on Wednesday afternoon that the issue will be presented to the council on Wednesday night for a first reading.
“The subcommittee has discussed it,” Mason said in a phone interview on Wednesday. “After talking with Councilman Russo and Councilman Bhalla, we have decided to go forward with it.”
Mason also said that some additional changes were made to the ordinance since the public hearing.
“The changes are the recommended changes that the legal counsel is recommending to make to incorporate the commentary from the hearing,” Mason said.
To view the ordinance as it is proposed at this time, view the resolution packet HERE.
To read a story from the weekend Hoboken Reporter about the rent control public hearing, click HERE.
Another issue on the agenda is the proposed repeal of an affordable housing clause from the municipal code that, according to city attorneys, should be repealed until state affordable housing guidelines are codified. To read the exclusive story from The Hoboken Reporter, click HERE.
The council will also issue a proclamation acknowledging Black History Month, and vote to introduce nine ordinances. To view the complete agenda, click HERE.
To watch the meeting live, tune in HERE. – Ray Smith