Gun store owner vs. ‘Chappelle’s Show’ comedian in fight Shots fired after apparent double-parking in front of club

A former comedian from the cable favorite “Chappelle’s Show” who is also a controversial DJ is incensed over an incident that took place at a Jersey City club May 3 between him and local gun store owner David Murray.

Apparently, the incident occurred when Murray left his shop and found that his car was allegedly blocked in by a double-parked Donnell Rawlins, a comedian who had performed at the club. An altercation occurred that led to Murray allegedly firing gunshots into the air.

According to police reports, at approximately 11 p.m. that evening, police responded to a call describing shots fired in front of Jordan’s Lounge on Newark Avenue.

The report says that when police arrived at the scene, they arrested David J. Murray, 47, on two counts of unlawful possession of a weapon and a more serious charge of possession of weapon for unlawful purpose. He was also cited for firing his gun within city limits.

Murray is the outspoken owner of David’s Sporting Goods and Self Defense at 342 Second St. in Jersey City, located across the street from Jordan’s Lounge, where he also sells firearms as a licensed dealer. He was profiled in the Reporter on Dec. 17 (

There are various eyewitness accounts of the incident, as well as videotape.

One report in the investigation describes the incident according to eyewitness accounts. It states that Murray got “into an altercation with a black male” who was the driver of the car parked in front of Murray’s car. The investigation report says that Murray [allegedly] “took out his gun and fired off three shots” into the air with his black .357 Magnum. The report then says that the black male, who was accompanied by a woman, got into his car and drove away.

However, the “black male” in question stepped forward last week – and he is anything but unidentifiable. He also describes more than just an altercation.

He is comedian Donnell Rawlings, known for his “Ashy Larry” character on the now-cancelled TV series Chappelle’s Show and most recently worked the morning shift at NY radio station Power 105.1 until he was fired for controversial remarks.

Rawlings told the Jersey City Reporter last week he was the victim of a “racist attack,” claiming Murray uttered slurs during the attack.

There is no mention of the slurs in the various police reports on the incident.

Murray offered no comment to the media and referred inquiries to his attorney.What the video shows

Video surveillance cameras from the Jordan Lounge also captured the incident, according to police reports.

According to the reports, the video showed that a little before 11 p.m. on May 3, Murray was leaving his store and walked across the street to his car, a black Dodge Durango, parked in front of Jordan’s Lounge.

The report says the video shows Murray attempting to “pull out of parking space but unable to do so due to a car (SUV) that was double-parked in front of his vehicle.”

The video then shows Murray getting out of his car and words are exchanged between him and the driver of the SUV.

The video then shows third person, identified as a bouncer at Jordan’s Lounge, trying to break up the fight.

Next, the video shows Murray and the person he is arguing with moving out of the security camera’s view then moving back into camera view, where, according to the report, “it appears that unknown black male is striking actor [Murray] who at this point is on the ground.”

Then, the video shows the unknown black male walking away, with Murray pointing his .357 Magnum into the air and firing shots. The unknown black male gets into his car with his passenger and drives away eastbound on Newark Avenue.

In yet another report, Murray told police that he fired his gun three times “to scare his attackers.” In that same report, a witness told police that there was arguing between Murray and a man and the man’s female companion, with the lady screaming “he has a gun” when Murray pulled out his Magnum. The investigation continues

Jersey City Police Capt. Chet Major, who is heading the investigation into the incident, said that starting last Wednesday, more witnesses have come forward. He said that after those interviews, there will be a determination if more charges will be handed down.

“Our investigation was somewhat limited after the incident because witnesses were uncooperative, but with more witnesses coming forward, this is the break we need to go forward,” Major said.

Major said that Murray has had his license to sell firearms suspended pending further review from the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office. When Murray was arrested, they not only confiscated his .357 Magnum but also found in his car several handguns and ammunition, police said.

Police also removed various firearms and ammunition from Murray’s store the day after the incident.

Hudson County Prosecutor Edward J. DeFazio said last week that the most serious charge Murray faces is possession of weapon for unlawful purpose, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years. Rawlins issues statement on website

Rawlings had already reached out to the media a few days after the incident.

Rawlings issued a statement to the the hip-hop website,, on the incident:

“This is the sort of incident that the authorities and the powers that be need to be concerned about. Rampant, overt and baseless hatred that lives and breathes on our streets daily. Jokes spoken in jest are not the root of evil in our society… it’s ignorant, angry people that create chaos. I think that the saddest part is that if this had happened to someone random (read: with no media presence) this incident would go largely ignored…that is the scary part.”

Rawlings last week acknowledged to the Reporter that he was double-parked, but claimed that Murray was not blocked in and could move out of his parking space.

Rawlings said he was coming out of Jordan’s Lounge after performing a comedy routine at the club.

Rawlings also claimed that what made the situation worse was what he alleges came out of Murray’s mouth. Rawlings alleged that Murray said the n-word several times during their altercation.

Rawlings said Murray was the one who challenged Rawlings to a fight.

“Security was trying to break us up but instead we got into a fight, we knocked knuckles,” Rawlings said.

When asked why he decided to leave the scene rather than wait for police to file a complaint against Murray, Rawlings didn’t mince words.

“When crazy white dudes are calling me n—– and shooting a gun near me three times, I have no reason to be there,” Rawlings said.

Rawlings did say he will cooperate with any investigation into the incident if contacted by police. Ricardo Kaulessar can be reached at


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