Regarding police treatment of man with disabilities

Dear Editor: In the July 8 article, “Second video spurs conflicting views of disabled man’s beating by N.J. State Police”, Star-Ledger journalist Christopher Baxter brought to light the second of two videos showing NJ State Police violently restraining a man with an intellectual disability. I’m not here to argue whether or not the footage is …

Breweries shouldn’t compete directly with restaurants

Dear Editor: On behalf of the New Jersey Restaurant Association (NJRA) representing over 25,000 eating and drinking establishments, we support State Assembly efforts to help small breweries sell their products. However, the proposed amendment permitting breweries to have a cash bar at the end of their tours leaves us frostier than the beer! Throw in …

Gonnelli tells Christie lack of tax sharing progress is ‘exasperating’

Dear Editor: Following is Mayor Gonnellli’s letter to Governor Christie regarding proposed changes to NJMC tax sharing formula. Dear Governor Christie: I write this letter out of exasperation over the lack of progress with regard to fundamentally changing tax sharing within the Meadowlands District. As you are aware, last year the paying municipalities within the …

Puts on robes

Dear Editor I taught what is now called social studies. It was one time called teaching history. History shows that the Take Back Secaucus was a successful revolution. I was proud to be part of that revolution. Check my record. Sorry to say that history also shows that in time, every revolution puts on the …