Think Spring

Dear Editor: While the temperature hovers around the freezing mark during these long cold days of winter, it’s time we all start to “Think Spring.” This spring the entire town will explode with color as more than 10,000 tulips and daffodils unfold into full bloom adding beauty and luster to neighborhoods throughout the community as …

Expand Medicare

Dear Editor: I strongly urge Gov. Christie to expand Medicaid. Expanding Medicaid, under the Affordable Care Act, will give access to health coverage for thousands of uninsured NJ residents and turn our state’s economy in the right direction. New Jersey taxpayers pay much more to the federal government than they are reimbursed back in benefits. …


Dear Editor: I have always believed that the best way in solving a problem is to find some humor when in the process of solving that problem. That being said, permit me to explain to your readers the reaction I received from a letter I wrote to the local papers that I thought might add …

Not on my watch

Dear Editor: Safety has always been a main goal of this administration. Young and old, keeping our residents out of harm’s way is paramount. When this administration took office three years ago we made it a point to make children and the safety of our youth a very high priority. All of our parks and …