
Dear Editor: As the weather’s chill reaches us, and we become grateful for all means of warmth, let us extend a hand of some ‘kind gesture’ to less fortunate suffering without a place to lay their heads. Men and women who are out in the cold winds, hoping to get a chance to sleep somewhere …

Don’t close the Skyway!

Dear Editor: The State of New Jersey’s decision, which was announced late last week, to close the inbound Pulaski Skyway for two years will represent vast economic disruption to the workforce, residents and suppliers to numerous Hudson County based businesses. Without providing adequate replacement routes, an economic impact study and traffic studies, the State of …

Wish List

Dear Editor: Here it is, my new wish list, for the United States Congress and the Senate. Place term limits on all members of Congress and the Senate. Secure all our borders. Stop allowing our pension system, public and private to be compromised. Stop blaming others; be responsible for your own actions. Allow everyone the …

Why we must pressure our legislators to abolish the New Jersey absentee vote policy

Dear Editor: One of the reasons people praise our democracy is because we have the right to vote in a private booth where no one has to know which way we voted. Absentee voting totally eliminates this assurance of a secret vote, leaving the process open to all kinds of anti-democratic corruption. Whether it’s people …

Disturbing in Secaucus

Dear Editor: Reading the article in Secaucus Reporter, Jan. 13 2013 “Not a Happy Ending” I have a few disturbing observations. The article mentioned massage parlors in Secaucus were shut down for fire code violations, and health violations. The inspector found mattresses, and apparently employees slept there. The places were not busted for prostitution in …

Guns in America

Dear Editor: People with “good intentions” believe that by doing something, anything, they can fix a problem. Often good intentions have negative consequences. In example, recently the White Plains-based Journal News offered interactive maps of Westchester and Rockland counties which gave names and locations of people with pistol permits that the paper had obtained through …

Holiday Thanks

Dear Editor: The Secaucus Social Services Department, on behalf of Mayor Gonnelli and the Town Council would like to thank everyone who so generously donated to Social Services and the Secaucus Emergency Food Pantry during the holiday season, so we could help our less fortunate families. To the many residents who were generous beyond belief, …

Permit me to explain

Dear Editor: Even a broken clock is right twice a day, depending upon time of day you look at it. I draw on this analogy to illustrate the jousting that transpired between Councilman Constantino and resident Tom Roarty at the Jan 22, 2013 council meeting. Permit me to explain. For the record, my personal opinion, …