Good St. Patrick

Dear Editor: St. Patrick was a sainted man, who through strategy and stealth drove all the snakes from Ireland, here’s toastings to his health, but not too many toastings; lest you lose yourself and then forget the good St. Patrick and see those snakes again! Margaret O’Brien

Possible fraud alert

Dear Editor: This is to all the residents of Hudson County. Please be advised that our office has been notified of an offer being circulated among senior residents and others concerning an opportunity to register for a “Secondary Stimulus Check” and the inference is introduced that in fact this check of $7,000 is being issued …

The Fairness Act

Dear Editor: Much has been debated about the Fairness Act which is being proposed for the purpose of enabling the public to be presented with an equal side of liberal and conservative ideology. At present, there is a preponderance of right wing conservative radio programs, encouraging telephone callers to voice their opinions, a practice, which …

Urine testing

Dear Editor: I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes, and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to earn that pay check, I at any time am required to pass a random urine test, with which I have no problem. However, what I do have a problem with is …

President Obama signs bill to extend health coverage for uninsured children

Dear Editor: I am writing to commend President Obama’s recent signing of a bill which would extend health coverage to four million uninsured children. Essentially, the bill calls for spending an additional $32.8 billion on the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, known as SCHIP, which now enrolls an estimated seven million children throughout the United …