JC Parking Authority protected safety of holiday shoppers

Dear Editor: On Christmas Eve a critical weather situation threatened to worsen an already critical economic situation for local businesses. Stores on Central Ave. were counting on a rush of last-minute shoppers to alleviate a difficult holiday shopping season, and shoppers were counting on visiting those stores to fill their kids’ stockings and get the …

Gobble, gobble, gobble

Dear Editor: Again, this year we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their thoughtfulness and hard work in distributing turkeys to all the needy people in the Heights at Thanksgiving. Thank you to County Executive Tom DeGise and Ward D Councilman Bill Gaughan. A special thanks to a very hard working …

It’s time to make change for the middle class

Dear Editor: Don’t forget people that brought you the weekend off along with the 40 hour workweek, vacations, group medical coverage for you and yours. Workers rights for a safe environment and an opportunity to go home safely at the end of the day to the ones you love. Sincerely, Angelo T. Mack