To the Stage!

Dear Editor, On January 8th the Hoboken High School Theatre Alumni presented TO THE STAGE! : ONE NIGHT ONLY. This production was an amazing, one of a kind, musical cabaret featuring the talents of HHS alumni from the classes of 1997 to 2009. The alumni very generously volunteered countless hours to organize and present the …

Hoboken Tea-Baggers

Dear Editor: Recently, Hoboken’s Mayor and Council failed to approve a budget as required by state law. The resulting state takeover of local finances brought about Trenton’s imposition of a budget causing a substantial increase in local property taxes. The resulting public anger created conditions ripe for unfocused protests and demagoguery, just as in the …

Nothing is as important as providing our kids with a world class education

Dear Editor: I was thrilled to have the opportunity to apply for the Board of Education vacancy in December. Although I was not selected, I am extremely grateful to all of you who wrote to board members endorsing my nomination and those who spoke on my behalf. I was overwhelmed with your letters of encouragement …

Citizen Service Act

Dear Editor: On Tuesday, Governor Jon Corzine signed the “Citizen Service Act” into law. This groundbreaking legislation paves the way for a more open, transparent and inclusive process in every municipality throughout New Jersey. As a result of this law, municipal clerks are required to maintain a record of all existing vacancies for public boards …