Council members never seem able to vote on eliminating health insurance for themselves

Dear Editor: The city council people are the only part time city employees to receive city health insurance. While the city’s health insurance may not be as generous with benefits as some in the community assume, the insurance is extremely expensive. Since the days when Peter Cammarano was on the council the politicians have claimed …

The wall

Dear Editor: I live on Garden St. in Hoboken. Option A shows a wall that ends in front of my house. I am extremely concerned, especially because the house is the only thing I own of significant value. Questions regarding Garden St. wall: What exactly is this wall supposed to do? What are the dimensions? …

Hoboken Police and Fire Departments 2015 Toy Drive

Dear Editor: From November 1st through December 2nd, The Hoboken Police and Fire Departments had several drop locations for our annual toy drive which was coordinated in partnership with the Hoboken Special Needs Parents Group. On Thursday, December 10th, we invited the public to bring their toys to police headquarters for a full day of …