A whole new world

Although the national election for president was between Democrat Hillary Clinton and now-President-Elect Donald Trump, the biggest winners and losers locally may be Gov. Christopher Christie and U. S. Sen. Robert Menendez. Christie, who leaped onto the Trump campaign after failing his own bid for president earlier this year, is now in line for a …

Between the lines

Up to their usual dirty tricks? Hoboken bloggers have been posting misinformation in the weeks going into the school board elections. This has a lot to do with character assassination rather than actual policies. It appears to serve multiple purposes, both to affect the election this year and to damage Freeholder Anthony Romano ahead of …

In Tune with June!

My son, Andy, knows his music. Among many favorites there’s one which tops the list. He owns more than thirty of the Bob Dylan albums. Sometimes he is treated to hearing the singer/songwriter’s latest before its release. As a result I got lucky to be gifted to the one where Mr. Dylan pays tribute to …

Trading places

As many as 20 Jersey City police officers will be indicted shortly, according to sources close to Mayor Steven Fulop. But the indictments, despite the rumors, did not figure into Fulop’s decision to drop out of the governor’s race earlier this month. The pending indictments, which were confirmed also by people inside and outside the …