Parking problems

To the Editor: Parking on the residential streets of Bayonne is unbelievable for me. For example, just on my street alone, within the distance between two driveways, seven cars can fit. But when someone parks just a little too far from one end or the other, then it’s only six. Add the factor on both …

To two heroes

To the Editor: This letter is in response to the passing of Fire Chief John T. Brennan. I had first met the fire chief a few years ago while attending mass at St. Henry’s Church. I did not know who he was until a friend told me he was the fire chief who saved Bayonne …

Thank you, Ed

To the Editor: On Friday, Dec. 26, Archie’s Cab Company picked me up, as I was going out for the evening. When I arrived at my destination, I realized that I was missing my two carat diamond bracelet that I just received from my boyfriend for Christmas. It was missing from my wrist. I panicked …

Humanitarian recognized

To the Editor: I would like to congratulate Mike Deane, head men’s basketball coach at Wagner College, for his sponsorship of “A Night of College Basketball” for the Bayonne Ability Day Camp. Our campers enjoyed the experience last year and looked forward to this year’s contest. His empathic concern for the Bayonne Ability Day Camp …