Reporter mayoral debate now online

JERSEY CITY — Video of the mayoral debate sponsored by the Jersey City Reporter is now online at The full two-hour debate, which has been divided online into five parts, can be seen in its entirety by clicking the photo of the mayoral candidates on the right hand side of the Hudson Reporter home page.
One word about the volume: Viewers must use the volume icon that appears on the lower right hand corner of the video screen to adjust it. Increasing the volume on your computer alone without adjusting the on-screen volume icon will not provide sound.
Viewers who wish to use the full-screen option to view the debate must double-click the video screen. Use the escape key to exit the full screen option.
This debate was held on Tuesday, April 9 in the Hudson Reporter offices and included the participation of all four mayoral candidates – Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy, City Councilman Steven Fulop, Abdul Malik, and Team Walker founder Jerry Walker.
The candidates fielded seven questions regarding funding for anti-crime measures; gun control; when tax abatements should be phased out; ways to mitigate the impact of the property revaluation; concerns about the animal shelter; what to do with employees who may be laid off due to city services consolidation, and ways to improve the quality of life.
The candidates were given two minutes to answer each question and were allowed 30-second rebuttals.
Footage of the mayoral debate will remain online through Election Day, Tuesday, May 14.

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