Hoboken children are giving and giving

Dear Editor:
This has been an interesting month, May 2014. There was the Senior Prom at the Hoboken Catholic Academy. The list is too long to write all the names of the people who made it possible. Thank you to you all. It was quite a surprise! The corsages were beautiful, and the tables and chairs were also beautifully decorated. The food and music was great. But I must say, the children who served were tremendous. They were so sweet and pleasant, never let us run out of anything, smiled all the way. They even got up and danced. They were delightful!
Each table had their own waiter or waitress. We had “Dylan” as our waiter. He had a white shirt on, sleeves rolled up, a black bow tie, and over his arm, he wore a towel. We all fell in love with him. Then we looked around and saw all the children dressed like that. They looked great! Wish I knew all their names.
While of course we appreciated the beautiful Senior Prom given to us, it was mainly you children who made us all feel so happy. Thank you again.
Now, at the Arts and Music Festival, earlier in May, it was nice with all the booths selling their creative wares, and of course, the delicious foods, and the good music.
What struck me there, were the veterans selling their poppy flowers. It was cold and damp, but they stood there selling them, with the help of the Girl Scouts. I heard that the Girl Scouts went to the American Legion Post 107, (which was devastated by Sandy,) to help them to rebuild the Post however they could. These Girl Scouts made up flyers showing pictures of the Post, and asking for help to rebuild it. They are working tirelessly giving the flyers out, trying to get our attention to help rebuild the Post.
Perhaps if we stopped and looked, and thought like the Girl Scouts do, we could also try to help by donating, so the American Legion can rebuild this humble Post. I would hate to see Hoboken, a prosperous town, with its historic back round be without an American Legion Post.
The veterans serve our country constantly, so we can live the good life we are living now. Let us help them, now that they need us, the way they help us all the time, by protecting us and our freedom.
Donate! Help rebuild the Post!
Then there was the Memorial Day parade, which was great. These veterans marched proudly because they served this country, to keep us free and safe, and who was there with them?????? The Girl Scouts! plus a lot of other young people marching. I got the chills watching them all.
So, this May 2014, I realized that these beautiful, wonderful children in Hoboken are leading us. Showing that helping others is the way to go, and I follow them in saying: Please help rebuild the American Legion Post 107. Go to Americanlegion107nj.@aol.com and donate. I am. I’m sure we can all afford to give something, and how great we will feel about it.
Thank you children, I’m happy I met and spoke to you. I truly learned something this month from you all.

Judith Willis

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