Dear Editor:
My daughter is in first grade after attending pre-K 3, pre-K 4, and kindergarten programs at Joseph F. Brandt School. All of her teachers have been compassionate and attentive to her needs and she is thriving under their tutelage. Yesterday, I asked her “did you have a great day today?” She responded with “of course I did. I love school.” She loves her math, science, art, language arts, dance, Spanish, music, and engineering classes. And most of all, she loves her teachers.
My wife and I are extremely grateful that our daughter enjoys school so much and we are thankful for the excellent administrators, faculty, and staff that we entrust her with every day. We also understand that our daughter benefited from a free pre-K program that, frankly, wasn’t created for her. Because of her excellent experience in pre-K, however, we made the decision to continue sending her to Brandt. Overall, we are thrilled with the results.
I am confident that other parents feel the same way as we do, so I am encouraged that Hoboken Public Schools will continue to succeed. Keep up the great work.
Adam Scribner, Ed.D.
Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education (CIESE)
Stevens Institute of Technology