Development still has to meet certain needs

To the Editor: Over the last many months of meetings, the developers from Roseland Property Co. have presented plans for the Weehawken waterfront which have been characterized by many gaps and deficiencies. Board members, citizens, and, most recently and perhaps most clearly, the town’s own consultants, have all noted these flaws.To the Editor: Over the last many months of meetings, the developers from Roseland Property Co. have presented plans for the Weehawken waterfront which have been characterized by many gaps and deficiencies. Board members, citizens, and, most recently and perhaps most clearly, the town’s own consultants, have all noted these flaws. Some of the most glaring omissions are in the following areas: Three dimensional computer model Throughout the Planning Board process, the WEC and many others have urged the developer to present the Planning Board with some sort of physical or computer model to aid in the Planning Board’s and the community’s comprehension of the proposed development. This was one of the crucial components of our “Goals List”, which we first circulated on February 24,1999. When the Review Committee presented its findings in June of 1999 at the Weehawken High School, it seemed a given that the developer would present the Planning Board and the town with some such model. With current computer capabilities it would take little effort on the part of the developer to generate such a model. Here we are, over a year later and in the eleventh hour of the Planning Board process and we still don’t have this essential visual information. The Planning Board will be asked to vote on giving preliminary approval within the next few weeks, and is inconceivable that the Planning Board would take this vote without having the benefit of a model. Bikeways and a pedestrian access plan Mr. Goldberg indicated in Review Committee meetings that he had no objection to including bikeways, yet there is no indication of them on the plan. We are concerned that without specifying these on the preliminary site plan application, it will be too late to include them later. And the planning board’s own attorney, Mr. Dunn, said as much at the last Planning Board meeting (7/6/00) when he noted that the platting of streets and sidewalks early on would make it very difficult to add the bikeways at a later time. Baldwin Avenue and Pershing Road The Board has not been presented with any adequate plan for the improvements to Baldwin Avenue or to Pershing Road. There are many traffic and safety concerns here, and the discussion at this point has been too vague. Here again, where are the details? These streets are major access points to the development. Once again there are infrastructure issues which make itnecessary to deal with these concerns now. The Ferry Terminal It is imperative that the design of this major component of this development should be presented to the Planning Board. How it impacts the overall function as well as the total aesthetic of this area can not be overestimated. There are serious concerns here for the Old Glory view plane, parking, traffic, and pedestrian access and safety. The above points are not simply our observations. The excellent testimony by The town’s consultants, especially Mr. Buckhurst, Ms. Mathews, and Mr. Jurasin, raised serious concerns about these issues in their written reports as well as during their public appearances before the Board. It is incumbent upon the Planning Board to insist on all of this information before making a decision of any kind. Without these areas truly resolved and clarified an informed judgment is impossible. Certainly, the WEC can not consider supporting this application without these essential pieces of information. Sincerely, The Executive Committee of the Weehawken Environment Committee


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