1949 all over again!

Dear Editor:

I am proud to be a Hudson County Democrat. I was gratified on the weekend prior to the general election to be part of two grand rallies which, according to observers who were present at the John V. Kenny era, stated that it “was just like 1949 all over again” referring to the overflow of crowds and the excitement at these events.

Special recognition is offered to Journal Square Ward leaders James King and Rosalie Dalessandro and Greenville Councilman Robert Cavanaugh and Ann Iannico for the overflow breakfast rallies presented for the Democratic slate. The rally on Newark Avenue in the Journal Square Ward spilled over onto the street and the speeches by the candidates could be heard on the outside amplifiers. Certainly, this type of grass roots display is needed to generate a party interest and bring forth the Democratic message.

We look forward to the results of the election and certainly must prepare to elect a Democrat as Governor in 2001. I have been part of this process for the past 33 plus years and will continue to sound the praises of the Democratic Party on a local, state and national level.

Robert B. Knapp


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