Increased PATH fares could cost a commuter $10 per day!

Dear Editor:

The “father of Liberty State Park, Morris Pesin” warned that if the Port Authority raised the PATH fares from 30 cents to 50 cents, they wouldn’t know when to stop. Those words are still true today.

The Board of the Port Authority should realize that Hudson County residents, who take the PATH, typically use more than one transportation system. They are taking a bus or the light rail to the PATH, and then they take the New York Transit system. An individual commuter could spend as much as $10 per day under the proposed rate increases.

It would be cheaper for an individual commuter to use his/her car because the proposed rate for the tunnels would be $7. This increase would definitely add more pollution to the dirty air. As a PATH rider, I can attest to the increased numbers of commuters, resulting in more revenue. The Port Authority should discuss their balance sheets with the public.

I expect the County Executive of Hudson County and the Governor and members of the Port Authority Board to veto this proposed rate increase.

Yvonne Balcer


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