More on Church Towers, et. al.

Sources said today that a controversial measure being proposed for Hoboken’s City Council meeting this Wednesday may be postponed again. It was not on the meeting agenda as of this Friday, but that can change at any time.
The council is attempting to decide whether to continue an in-lieu-of-tax agreement for the 44-year-old Church Towers affordable housing building. Right now, the residents of the building can pay below-market rents and avoid taxes. Hoboken taxpayers who have been stung by a huge increase this year are wondering if the residents of this building should pay more as well.
As noted earlier this week, the Reporter did a story on Church Towers, Clock Towers, and Marine View Plaza in 1996 that laid out some of the controversies, rules, and residents in the building. Several Hoboken residents e-mailed the Reporter ( earlier this week to ask for the story by e-mail.
One local man who has done much research and posted information on the internet about the Church Towers issue posted on a website that due to the findings in the story, there may be much more to tell.
“[The Reporter information] takes the story to a whole new level and I wanted to confirm a few things,” the taxpayer wrote on
It is likely the issue will be heavily debated at any meeting where it arises.

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