Thanks for supporting the kids’ coat drive

To the Editor:

My name is Brandon Porcelli, and I am currently working toward my Eagle Scout Rank at Troop 25 here in Bayonne. I recently ran a kids’ coat drive to benefit the kids at the BEOF Head Start program. I would like to thank the clergy and staff at Grace Lutheran, St. Vincent de Paul, St. John Paul II, St. Michaels, Blessed Miriam Teresa, and St. Andrews for their support and allowing me to collect coats at these places of worship. A very big thank you to the generous parishioners of these parishes. Thank you to Boy Scout Troop 25, Troop 19, Troop 27, and Pack 27 for volunteering in the coat collection and donations. Thank you to Dorthy, Dr. Mammas, and the staff at Bayonne Veterinary Medical Building. Thank you also to Ms. Kate, editor of the Bayonne Community News, Mrs. Rose Keller for her support, and Mr. Michael DellaBella. Thank you to my parents, brother, and our dear friends for their support, including their generous time and donations. Thanks to Ms. Samantha Howard, Executive Director at the BEOF and the staff for their support to see my project come to fruition. Finally thank you to Mayor Jimmy Davis and the generous community of Bayonne.

Life Scout
Troop 25

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