And then?

To the Editor:

I assume that, at the taxpayers’ expense, the Board of Education issues pens with the words, “Learning Doesn’t Stop at 3 o’clock.” This is 100-percent correct. They finally are “All in!”
Likewise, if the teachers’ union issues a pen, I would recommend the words, “Educators are human beings after 3 o’clock too.” By this I mean all of us face the same realities of life.
For example, one area is economics. The Board of Education must heat buildings, gas the buses, stock food in the cafeterias, and provide water and electricity. Well, the Bayonne staff has the same responsibilities at home with increasing costs.
The new teachers are well qualified, mostly young, quite enthusiastic, and very caring. They still face the dilemma of whether or not to remain in a school system with the present salary guide.
The so called, brain drain began with a lack of contracts years ago. This involved early retirements and resignations. Please realize that for seven out of the last eight years, no contract existed.
Whenever you read, thanks to your teachers, about all the student accomplishments in and outside the classroom, you have to realize there is one primary source, teachers. Who could disagree with their worth—besides the Board of Education?


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