Hudson County driving

Dear Editor:
After living in Union City for the past 10 years and crossing the Heights through Union City and North Bergen twice a day to commute to my job in Bergen County, I have learned the rules of Hudson County driving.
You do not need to come to a full stop at a stop sign – moving through at a reduced speed is acceptable. If there are pedestrians waiting to cross – they will wait – you are bigger than they are. When stopped behind a car at a stop sign with pedestrians in the crosswalk – beep your horn. That car in front of you obviously doesn’t know they have the right of way and can run through those people – because you have important things to do. When you’re behind other cars it’s probably best to beep your horn at every stop sign and every changing traffic light – those other cars in front of you don’t realize they’re in your way. You may make a right at a “No Right On Red” sign if there are no police in sight. And feel free to go around any cars that may be stopped in front of you – they don’t know the rules. In fact, why not make a left on red while you’re at it. You’re in a hurry – you’ve got to get those kids in your car someplace very important. Don’t hesitate to pass a school bus with red lights flashing – everyone does it. Hudson County has the highest rate of tickets issued for this traffic violation in the state. It’s not really a violation if you have someplace important you need to be. And don’t forget, despite what you may be told, it’s okay to use your cell phone while driving. You have to let the important people at the important places that you’re getting there as fast as you can – if these other cars and people would just get out of your way.
I have witnessed all these driving “techniques” multiple times, near many schools and always with many pedestrians (including school children) on the streets. Here’s a suggestion to those drivers – try leaving your home 5 minutes earlier and put down the cell phone while driving. You are not only breaking the law but putting the lives of other drivers, pedestrians and the kids in your car at risk.

Diane Kellmyer

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