Vote Column G—A New GOP in Bayonne

To the Editor:

The residents of Bayonne will be pleased to learn that there is a new Republican Party in town, dedicated to standing up for American values and conservative principles.
You can find our GOP Committee candidates at Column G on the ballot — 6G and 7G — when you go to vote in the primary election on June 7. All Republicans and independents are eligible to cast their ballots in this primary.
The people of Bayonne deserve a GOP Chairman who spends every day in office working to restore our party’s core values. We need to actively support real Republican candidates for office — not liberal Democrats.
We need to endorse the best Republican candidates possible, be it for Freeholder, City Council, Mayor, Assembly, School Board, Governor, or President.
And that’s exactly the goal of our movement. We support Donald Trump, now and in November. And we will stand up for American values without apology. We will have our voice heard in every election from now on. And we will represent you and your concerns to bring about good government, lower taxes, more liberty, and a sense of genuine pride.
It is a new day for Republicans.
Your support is crucial if we are to revive the Republican Party and elect real Republicans to office.
On Tuesday, June 7, Vote Column G in Bayonne for real Republicans on the City Committee. Vote 6G and 7G.
The women and men running for County Committee in your district can be found on the right side of the ballot, and on the right side of the issues. Make your voice heard. Vote Column G for a new GOP.


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