Thanks for keeping these issues in the public eye

Dear Editor:
Just a few things that are on my mind. First, I would like to remind T.Weed, that when he was in the service and during Vietnam, they had a draft. The media and the government have to glorify “service”, to get people of quality to join the military, or they will have to try to institute a draft, again. That would mean grandparents protesting, again, I hope!!!!
Also, I enjoyed the article on senior and affordable housing. The problem is: Vision 2020…this just disappeared. I realize that Peter Cunningham said that there were better uses for that land, but it just disappeared…so the gentleman that is worried that we will not accept the money from the government on flood control needs to know that issues and projects …just disappear
Also, when water is mentioned, the sewage department and their arrangement was, also mentioned. I realize that Hoboken and Mayor Zimmer have attorneys on speed dial, but the solution will not come soon enough, from what I know of court procedures and attorneys. By the time we see a change in the contract, it will be over and with all the new construction, we will all be “slipping in ##$$#%% Council people Ramos and Russo wrote up an idea for a solution. It just disappeared!!! Thank you Hoboken Reporter for being there.

Bonnie Toadvyn

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