Thank you for caring

Dear Editor:
I promised to write this letter and feel bound by duty and honor to fulfill that promise. Thanks to Alicia Morejon of Union City’s Department of Public Works. She’s creative, passionate about her work, open-hearted and kind, and open to suggestions. She’s helped, to list but one, beautify many public spaces in Union City with bright flowers and sturdy planters. She helped with ensuring that a wooden fence was built around the tree wells on New York Avenue, set aside expressly for butterflies. Two separate times, DPW worker Alfredo Soto, built these wood fences. The fencing gets in the way of drivers getting out of their car so it’s a work in progress. I had the pleasure to see him at work and shake his hand in gratitude for his hard work, determination, and attention to craftsmanship and detail. All of this was expedited and moved along by the Hon. Mayor Brian P. Stack. Like many mayors throughout the United States, he is doing his best to assist the struggling eastern populating of migrating Monarch butterflies. I applaud him as I know of only one other mayor in the county doing the same. He even took the extra step of mailing me a copy of an article about his species in the New York Times. Thank you so much!
My mum used to say that people have good memories for things people do wrong to them but poor memories for things people do right. I want to eschew that by esteeming those mentioned here who I remember for their outstanding deeds. Ultimately the benefit of these good deeds accrue to our city and most especially to the urban butterflies who need our help. I encourage fellow residents reach out to thank our diligent city employees and mayor as need arises. They deserve our respect and appreciation.

With gratitude and respect,
(Raven) Tony Squire

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