To the Editor:
On behalf of the parish family of St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church, 15 East 26th Street, I would like to inform everyone that we will be having a Divine Liturgy for Blessed Miriam Teresa to commemorate her Baptism and Confirmation on Thursday, March 31, at 7 p.m.
Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, S.C., was baptized and confirmed on March 31, 1901, at St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic parish.
In her biography Sr. Miriam Teresa wrote that the real beginning of her life, the life of the spirit, occurred five days after her birth according to the flesh. She was baptized and confirmed in the
Byzantine rite on the 31st of March, a Sunday, with the name Teresa Demjanovich. She wrote this day was truly a day of resurrection.
All are welcome to join us on this special date to honor Blessed Miriam Teresa, as we seek her intercession, and pray for her canonization.