Failed Leadership

To the Editor:

What happened to the promises the Davis campaign made to us in 2014? Where is the transparency? Where is the fiscal responsibility? What about safer, cleaner streets? None of these promises are being kept, and all of our city’s problems are getting worse.
This is a case of mismanagement by our city officials and the blame goes right to the top. Mayor Davis and Business Administrator Joe DeMarco are responsible and will be held accountable by the citizens of our city. Two years ago, the Davis campaign claimed that opponents of the previous administration feared speaking out. I can tell you that there are people in our city today who fear opposing those in office. This is yet another example of failed leadership. The citizens should not fear those who occupy city hall. They should be able to approach them about any situation without any fear whatsoever. This is how things get done, by working with the people, not by making them feel unwelcome.
Is there anyone who feels things are better? Not one person that I talk with thinks so. In fact many people vent to me about the conditions on the block where they live, or surrounding areas. The major complaints are about drug dealing and drug use in and around their neighborhoods, but also the lack of enforcement of building codes (and litter) which lead to unappealing neighborhoods and decreasing property values.
There is also the problem of ever-rising taxes, which in large part are due to the some 12 positions created by the city in order to show favor to those who supported Jimmy Davis in 2014. This alone is costing the citizens of Bayonne $500,000 per year, including benefits. Then there are the numerous stipends which have been doled out, adding up to some $143,814 during 2015, with $21,357 going to the person who we have been told was responsible for the debacle with City Council members receiving health insurance to which they were not entitled. Again mismanagement is the problem. When does this end? When will fiscal responsibility with tax payer money begin? I suspect not with this administration.
The people are fed up with politics as usual and will demand a change in the way things are done within city government. I encourage all of the residents who see and complain about these problems to stand up and get involved. It is our city and our responsibility to hold those who sought and gained political office accountable for what is taking place.


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