Who’s accountable for the oil spill?

To the Editor:

As I speak hundreds of gallons of oil floods into the ground by Prospect Avenue in Bayonne. This tragedy is comparable to the horrors of Flint, Michigan. Yet, our elected officials remain silent. Where is Mayor Davis as our town is being inundated with toxic material? He’s silent. Where is Sal Gullace, the Second Ward councilman? Council President Nadrowski? Silent. Our freeholder Kopacz, our Assemblyman Nick Chiarvolotti? Silent. They are silent because they have made the decision to pander to a billion-dollar corporation, rather than serve the citizens of Bayonne. So while our neighborhoods are poisoned, they have decided to remain silent. I think it is painfully obvious these people only serve the interests of their own greed. Not the people of Bayonne. I am sickened and saddened by this. IMTT and Mayor Davis should be ashamed of themselves for choosing profits over people. Our town may never be the same. Watch as property values plummet as people realize we are living in a town where an oil pipeline breaks and no one takes responsibility and no one is accountable. Not even the elected officials.


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