“Buddy Baseball,” open to Bayonne residents, boys and girls, ages 4-21, is a program for mentally and physically challenged youth, helping them to enjoy the full benefits of baseball participation in an athletic environment structured to their abilities.
More than the skills of baseball learned through the experience, the value of the “Buddy Baseball” League is found… in the proven therapeutic and socialization benefits of participating in sports, the strengthening of participants’ self-esteem, the opportunities to mainstream into other divisions of play, and the disciplines of teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play.
Games will take place in May and June at the 11th Street Oval. Every player will received a full baseball uniform, including jersey, pants, socks and a hat. The Division of Recreation will supply all the equipment.
Teams will be broken into to 10-12 players and every player will have the opportunity to bat and play the field.
A “Buddy” program will be implemented and “buddies” will assist players according to their needs. This may include helping a player bat or field the ball, pushing a wheel-chair bound player around the bases or simply motivating.
There is no cost to participate in the “Buddy Baseball League.”
The deadline for Registration is Friday, March 18th.
For more information, and to become a buddy, please contact Pete Amadeo at the Division of Recreation at 201-858-6129 or email BAYONNEREC@AOL.COM.