Bayonne Republicans needs new leadership

To the Editor:

As a longtime Bayonne Republican committeeman who is entirely devoted to open government and conservative values, I have a clear message to all members of our party, and to all independents, as well.
We need a new Republican chairman in Bayonne, and we need it now. The current occupant of that office, Vincent Cuseglio, is out of touch with grassroots Republicans, out of sync with the times, and always out to lunch with Democratic Party bosses.
We need a chairperson who will stand up and promote Republican and conservative American values. Bayonne Republicans are fed up with a local chairman who constantly endorses Democrats for political office, and spends his time helping liberal causes and the campaigns of Democrats, rather than working to elect Republicans.
That is why I and other Republicans are planning to run a full slate of committee people in the upcoming June Republican primary. We must take back our Party.
I urge all good Republicans to rally around this effort to bring new energetic leadership, and a new positive direction, to the Bayonne GOP.
There are 51 Districts in Bayonne, each represented by both a committeeman and a committee woman, for a grand total of 102 committee people.
We welcome the input and participation of all concerned Republicans and Independents who are serious about good government.
Anyone wanting to run for a spot on the Republican committee to help us bring about real change in the GOP can email us at or call (201) 455-7715.
It’s time for a real Republican Party in Bayonne that respects traditional values. We need a Party that is dedicated to supporting and electing Republicans on all levels of government, including on the local level right here in Bayonne.
I urge everyone to join us in this crusade so that the people of Bayonne can have a larger voice in their own government.


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