On the way up here in Bayonne

To the Editor:

Last week I attended a forum at the Cape Liberty Terminal. It was lightly attended but I will say that for the most part, a lot of the information about Bayonne and its future were very positive. I think the Bayonne Chamber of Commerce should have done more to get people out, but I also feel that the City Administration should have sent out a robocall or something significant to attract city residents as well. I know that the Bayonne Chamber of Commerce funds itself, but this session and tour would have been enjoyed by all who attended. It was a beautiful facility.
A lot of people who came to this event heard speeches by Joseph DeMarco, Joe Nichols, and Terrence Malloy. The speeches and follow-up question-and-answer session provided a glimpse into the finances of the administration now and also how “one shot revenue deals” were used in previous administrations. The goal, obviously, for this administration is to plug up and obtain 20 million dollars of new recurring revenue and move our city ahead in terms of a revitalization from the bottom up. I feel the city is doing the best it can and has done more in the past 15 months than the last eight years. Bayonne does have a bright future, so believe it our hometown.


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