Hudson County residents: Save your milkweeds!

Dear Editor:
Mayor Stack has called on residents to contribute to the quality of life in their community, to volunteer, to do something to make a difference. I reached out to him with the idea of aiding the Monarch Butterfly by planting wildflower seeds in up to 5 empty, unused tree wells on my block, especially the host plant, milkweed (a wildflower, not true weed). He’s been exceptionally supportive and as far as I know the only mayor in Hudson County to help this beautiful butterfly.
Since last summer, I’ve been approached by residents about what they can do to help not just the Monarch Butterfly but pollinators in general like the honey bee. Short answer: find an empty tree well on your block and sow native wildflower seeds, especially milkweed. Involve our young people in organized sports and schools. Write to: Save Our Monarchs POB 390135 Minneapolis, MN 55439. 952-829-0600 This organization offers Option 1 in which for a $25 donation they will send 100 milkweed seeds. Students or league players can sell the packets for $1-2 and use the proceeds to pay for sports equipment, school playgrounds, school supplies, etc. Perhaps the Cal Ripken League will consider helping out. Individual residents can send a SASE to request a packet of free milkweed seeds per household. Mail to: Live Monarch Seed Campaign 3003-C8 Yamato Rd No.1015 Boca Raton, Florida 33434 Residents are then free to plant these seeds in a flower pot, home garden, empty tree well, or community garden free of herbicides, pesticides, and other toxic chemicals. We can help the Monarch butterfly and other species which pollinate our fruits and vegetables necessary to our health. We can help nurture and care for Mother Earth. We can beautify our communities. We can meet new neighbors. We can care for our planet. I ask our residents, parents, school teachers, and community leaders to consider what else can be done to bring more awareness to the plight of the Monarch and actions to support one of the great animal kingdom migrations in the world.

Sincerely yours,
(Raven)Tony Squire

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