Longshoremen strike affects Bayonne

BAYONNE – A longshoremen strike that began in Philadelphia on Monday, Jan. 25, continued on Friday, Jan. 29, shutting down the Port of New York and New Jersey, multiple news outlets reported.
On Friday the strike also included workers at the GCT Terminal in Bayonne and Jersey City.
All terminals remained closed as of Friday, according to the Logistics Planning website. The terminal workers are members of the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA).
The local ILA workers continued to strike despite a court injunction obtained by the New York Shipping Association, the website reported.
The strike also caused work to stop at Port Elizabeth/Port Newark, and in Staten Island, N.Y., halting cargo from moving into or out of the terminals.
The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey encouraged strikers to go back to work and allow talks to settle the dispute.
“As the agency that oversees the largest port complex on the East Coast, we strongly urge the ILA members to return to work immediately and resolve their differences after they return,” said a Port Authority statement.

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