Residents abuzz over suspected injured hawk in Hoboken

HOBOKEN – Since at least Friday Jan. 8, some residents on First Street have been concerned over what they believe to be an injured hawk.
“I know it was there since last Friday on a low branch, no more than six feet off the ground,” said Chad, who works in Hoboken. “He’s a bird the size of a middle-sized dog but it hasn’t moved. Not even when people move pretty close to it. We’re getting worried with the cold weather.”
According to residents in the area, the hawk is currently on a fire escape directly across the street from 5 Marine View Plaza and appears to have a broken wing. A number of groups have been contacted to help the bird, which is believed to stand over two feet tall.
Kim Saunders, director of operations for The Liberty Humane Society, which has a contract with Hoboken to deal with animal control issues, told The Hoboken Reporter, “We’ve been monitoring the situation since yesterday.”
Saunders said that it was determined that the hawk could indeed fly and the LHS is working with a wildlife rehabilitator to wait until it is safe and appropriate to capture it if necessary.
“One of the worst things would be [for residents or animal control] to chase the bird,” Saunders added.

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