Where is Rep. Albio Sires?

Dear Editor:
Living in the NJ 8th Congressional District, I’ve been writing my representatives in D.C. and their local offices here in Hudson County for years – and 9 times out of 10 I’ve received answers; but for almost two years now — that has changed!
What I’m not not talking about are letters, faxes, emails, and phone calls to Senator Robert Menendez or Senator Corey Booker who respond in due course to my letters. For the last two years my correspondences, whether or not they agree with my point of view is not the issue. The issue is communicating with your constituents.
But the story changes with Rep. Albio Sires who since his last re-election has not answered one single letter, email, fax, or phone call. We pay his congressional salary of $174,000 and should expect at least the courtesy of an answer (average congressional staff salary = $1.4 Million). I’ve written Rep. Sires on a number of issues that are pressing our nation, like economy, social/racial/cultural condition, homeland security, terrorism, taxes, and other pertinent issues of the day – but it’s all in vain – I never get an answer!
But when I go to Sires’ Facebook page to post the same questions and comments, I still get no answers; however, what one does see are the many comments by Rep. Sires appearing in photo ops with his campaign supporters and re-election donors. It seems that the only persons or parties Rep. Sires answers are those who contribute to his re-election committee.
It looks like Deja Vu, Mr. Sires, “Taxation with no Representation” in the NJ 8th Congressional District. Why not break your “political cronyism”, and answer your constituents?!

Thank You,
John Amato

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