Sires, freeholders blast Trump

HUDSON COUNTY – Rep. Albio Sires called Donald Trump “prejudiced, divisive, and incorrect” in comments regarding Muslims.
Trump is currently the leading GOP in the 2016 presidential primary, and has made numerous statements about Muslims including the unsubstantiated claim that “thousands and thousands” of Muslims celebrated when the World Trade Center was attacked.
“Donald Trump’s call for a `total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States…’ is an egregiously offensive and unconstitutional proposal that strikes at the very heart of what makes this nation great,” Sires said. “[Trump] is cutting away at the very freedoms our forefathers fought for when creating the United States of America. I strongly condemn the hateful and bigoted comments Trump has continued to make. With all of the legitimate problems facing Americans today, these intolerant comments are counterproductive to solving our nation’s most challenging security concerns.”
Sires said that hardworking American citizens who practice the religion of Islam have contributed proudly to this country for years, including the thousand who serve in our Armed Forces, many of whom unfortunately have made the ultimate sacrifice while protecting America.
“Not only do these divisive statements wrongly vilify hardworking Americans, but they play into the hands of ISIL by promoting their false ideology that America is against Islam. Islam is a religion of peace that has been thwarted and manipulated by these ruthless murderous thugs,” Sires said. “[Members of ISIL] kill, torture, and enslave men, women, and children, and are using the hateful comments like the ones Trump has made to further recruit and radicalize people into joining their cause.”
Sires said America is a country based on equality and freedom and there is no room for these prejudiced and counterproductive comments.
“There are genuine national security implications to spreading these unconstitutional ideas and I am deeply disappointed in the constant narrow minded rhetoric he continues to express,” Sires said.
In resolution passed this week, the Hudson County freeholders condemned Trump’s statements regarding Muslim celebration of the attacks on 9/11 as “wholly inaccurate,” and demands that Trump “apologize for his offensive and inaccurate statements.”

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